Calculations of data
Export of data
Interphase of entrance
Automatic processes
The compiler
Processes and re-calculations
Problems. (“Entering the system. ”,” Load of archives”. ,” strange Data”. ,” Lack of Marks”. ,” indefinite Schedules”. , “Marks badly matched up”. )
Processing with the personnel
P. In my company it has been decided to pay to the double holiday hours on the double, that is to say 4 times. I do not have a concept name in it for this. How I can solve the problem?
You must write a block of code for the hour code that wishes to apply and to multiply by two the calculated hours that are desired.
For example: if the hours in holiday are the CLASSH05 it can do something like this:
CH05 = CH05 * 2
It compiles the code block and when this schedule is placed the required day, the hours in holiday will be reported of double way on the part of the system in which case if its payment is double, will be quadruple.
It remembers that if the data already were process, it must recalculate the consultations. To see: “Recalculating data in its manual”)
P. What is a code block?
WINSCT owns a powerful complementary compiler who allows that the user can make his own calculations in the hours that the system calculates. The system loads a text editor where the calculations can be made necessary that the technical user wishes. These are compiled and applied by the system.
For example:
The company wants to give 04 hours additional to the employees who work Sunday.
Supposing CLASSH01 like normal; Code similar to the following thing could write:
Structures can be used such as FOR/CASE etc. but must have much well-taken care of when trying to handle data bases within a block of applied code to a schedule; since the leader of data must be left in the starting point when this it finishes if it has been altered intentionally.
A block of codes uses the complementary compiler of the system reason why all rules apply. If it wishes but information it sees “Creating his own programs” in the technical manual.
Export of data. Beginning of the Subjects., Go Home., To go to beginning of support
P. Can I define my own structure of export of data? .
If you do not wish to use the generator of the structure; it can choose to program hers own one.
For this:
a) It goes to the compiler and it defines the name of the program that wishes as well as its logic of processes.
b) It compiles the program and it verifies it
c) It goes to the export configuration and indicates in the name of the program to use.
When of click in the button of export of the main screen of the system, this it is going to call to his defined program it will run and it according to his established logic.
Examples of programs of export user defined can be found in the appendix of examples of export of their manual, as well as the sources respectively listed with extension *.PRG
Programming knowledge is required to do that.
Interphase of entrance. Beginning of the Subjects., Go Home, To go to beginning of support
P. Exists some way to filter the data that come from the file of marks that provides the unit?
You must determine that data identifies the required marks. After this, you must apply a conditional one so that they only pass the registries that fulfill the condition.
For example:
If you wish to filter the marks of 01 door and 01 Door this indicated by P01 nnnn: 01/01/01: 01: 01,
This could be something like:
AT (“P01”, XLINE) <> 0
This must be applied in the button of “conditional” that this in the panel of import on the interphase for the file of marks.
P. The system does not update the table of employees by the interphase of the text file
This it says: User this loading in another terminal; but he is not thus. That he happens? .
This happens when the load this in process and is interrupted for some reason without being completed. In order to solve it, Maintenance goes to the menu of special Processes//To replace load of employees and comes.
After this already will be ready.
On the other hand, at the time of the process of the data the system will replace the load automatically.
P. Whenever a user enters a terminal, is realized the update of the file of employees; but this it has not been modified. How I correct this situation?
This must that the terminals do not see the dates of the equal file of employee because the computers are not synchronous in the same zone of time.
You must communicate with the administrator of the network in case she wishes to do this generally or to form each terminal in the same zone of time (Control panel Time Zone).
Automatic processes. Beginning of the Subjects., Go Home., To go to beginning of support
P. How I can do so that when giving the closing key the system unloads the data, Serve backup and initiates the process without having to activate a scheme of processes. Then the closing button only does that, to close and I must do backup by the button of backup and unload the data by the button to unload data.
If it does not wish to use a scheme of programmed automatic processes, then it must define a process scheme whose hour 0000 “X” is 9999 or “X” etc. (Anyone with suffix “X” so that car is not executed) does not have to define that day of the week is going away to execute; But it must indicate if it is going to unload the data, is going to remove backup etc.
Then, this scheme must be assigned in the same panel for the option of “Button of short way”; of this form when you introduce the key to process, all the process will be automatic of immediate form.
It is not obligatory that for the “button of short way” a definition of “n n X” is assigned then any or defined can be assigned (“A.m.” or “P.m.”)
General. Beginning of the Subjects., Go Home., To go to beginning of support.
P. The equipment that I have provides codes to me that are not the real codes of the employees. How I can treat that?
Typically some equipment owns the capacity to handle a table of equivalences to give a file with the equivalent codes.
If you do not want to do it of that form, WINSCT owns an equivalence table where it can be written or load the code that sends the equipment as well as the equivalent code. In the section of “Installation of the system” of the technical manual information exists to do that.
P. How I can install the system for another language that not this available one in the menu of languages?
The system comes with capacity bases for 09 languages by defect.
If not this in the list the one that you wish: .
It introduces his CD of installation.
\ Looks for the Drivers folder Language
It executes the SETUP.exe program and it follows the instructions to replace by other 09 but
If not yet is the wished language, looks for in the section of supports drivers/Languaje and selects between the available ones that are updated
It notices that 9 installed languages replace the other 09 previous ones; but it can install and to remove to whichever wishes it times.
P. How I can change the colors of my system?
WINSCT not this designed to be altered of this form. You could do it but she would have to make a program that she would have to execute when this loaded wished form using the complementary compiler that she has including.
We did not recommend that practices.
Reports. Beginning of the Subjects, Go Home., To go to beginning of support.
P. How I can create an own report?
There is a great amount of objects available to design his own reports. Everything handles through micro-button located in the right part superior of the button of the complementary compiler.
For it, it sees the manual in the section: “Creating its own reports” of the technical manual. UDP
These processes are compatible for many protocols developed by ABC for different equipment from capture of data; but all the existing ones do not support all the expressed configurations; or many others are going away to develop but the first manufacturers, must provide technical information for such aims.
P.I have a clock connected to a computer via serial. I am trying to remotely handle it via the remote control from another computer in the network (in this case, WINSCT in another terminal). Whenever attempt the communication process, the system gives back “Not host” to me; I have but it loaded in the remote computer. That it can be happening?
This can be by three causes:
P.I have sent previously an order of general exit of the system. Accidentally my computer not this available one. When attempt to enter from another machine (by all means it does not let to me enter because there is an issued order). That I can make to enter from another computer if I issued an order in mine and I physically do not have it available?
As it is of knowing itself, the order is sent to all the computers except the computer sends the order. You must tighten the R' Click in the extreme left superior of the window that has the message (bar of titles where the properties of the window look for) chooses the option “Size” and soon to give a click in the screen; this way the screen would take the center. Then, to give “.” (A point”) and it will allow him to request the user and the key so that the exit order can reasignar or to retire it.
The user will be only accepted who is supervisor of the system.
Load of archives. Beginning of the Subjects., Go Home, To go to beginning of support.
P. The text file of the employees does not take the three first registries me in the load. How it can correct it?
In the selection of the parameters of interphase of text, you have the option to indicate from that line the data are due to integrate; this in order to that if the file comes from a report, can be done without the primary headed ones. This option must indicate “1” (Line of beginning) if you wish to load the file from the beginning
P. The file of employees who I want to load comes from a report. I have already aimed at the positions correctly; but as it is a report has many lines of headed and empty lines that they load to me like sweepings.
How is avoided this?
You must observe that type of sweepings has in the respective fields and to indicate a conditional one that only includes the registries that do not contain it. For example, if in the field of the code I am located “AA” its conditional good could be this:
F01 <> “AA”
You can combine the well-known logic operators and/or to use the additional variable fields that the structure has load. (One sees import of archives in his manual for but information)
P. When I operate the load of the file of employees, there are fields that are not updated. That it happens?
You must deactivate the “Flag” of Priority of the system. This he indicates to the load that such data will be handled manually and that do not have to be taken from the file.
On the other hand, it verifies that the positions where the load in relation to the wished field scores are correct, as well as the respective field separator.
This could suddenly seem something. Simply it loaded the rotation of group of the employee; if here nothing finds, then it abra the particular rotation of the same. One of the two has placed the schedule that appears in the daily record; therefore, it as much corrects of place in the rotation as in the daily record. When the data are processed again, these missing data will be refunded.
P. The system is reporting the marks for every day normally. A day then they do not appear to me the marks of an employee of who I am certainly has marked.
Which can be the cause?
That day you have programmed a schedule nondefined or she does not have schedule. This could suddenly seem something. Simply there will be the rotation of group of the employee; if here nothing finds, then it abra the particular rotation of the same. One of the two has placed the schedule that appears in the daily record; therefore, it as much corrects of place in the rotation as in the daily record. When the data are processed again, these missing data will be refunded.
This happens when the export this formed to send solely the registries that authorized and/or are approved.
P. The employee assures that poncha to me; but I do not see the registries. I add then them, but then afternoons I have 4 registries. Those that I have placed and those that the employee did.
Which is the cause of the problem?
It is imperative that you do not correct in the “daily record” without previously seeing the table of marks with problems. The fact that they do not appear the marks can have diverse causes, for example: The employee does not have schedule, the registry this authorized one and/or approving being absent etc. The system keeps these events hoping to refund them when the cause of the event is corrected. In each process of data WINSCT it reviews the marks with problems and if already the cause of the problem is missing person, then Integra the marks. If you have placed already them could then have so much the placed ones by you, like the placed ones by the system.
The system never places duplicated registries of marks, or are by the user or from the system (Sees: To avoid duplicates. The registries are placed if they exceed limits of duplicate identification; For example: If you place a mark to the 06:00 a.m. soon and the system this decides to place a mark received to the 06:07 a.m. will be rejected by the system because it was already placed (For the case of the example the mark of the 06:00 a.m. this within the identification of the duplicate that we assumed for example 10 minutes). Assuming that the control of duplicates this placed for 10 minutes, then ponche to the 06:11 a.m. will be placed by the system although in the mind of the operator he is the same.
In summary, to avoid the problem it does not make changes without seeing the table of marks with problems, if the marks are here, it corrects the first cause of the problem and allows that it refunds them to the system in the following process of data. Adjustment in value of the control of duplicates in agreement with its correct appreciation
The system owns a parameter that activates or deactivates this control. Some times the installer prefers to deactivate it to make one more a navigation faster but he is due to operate with precaution. It can activate the control in the panel of setup of the scheme.
Also he is comprehensible often to define a rotation and later to define the schedules compose that it; this is something riskier and it is not recommended; but it is left for expert personnel.
If you create to have schedules nondefined in the scheme, operates the option “to look for schedules nondefined” in the same panel.
Logistic of Marks. Marks incorrectly placed.
P. Some times I have personnel marks that suitably are not placed. It could give information me on the different causes and like correcting them?
The main causes of this event are essentially 2
a) The employee has not marked suitably
b) The assigned schedule does not agree with the reality to such form that the event can be interpreted of several ways possible by the system To see details.
P. How are avoided the marks duplicated by the employees?
It is common that the employees when they are going to conduct the operation of marking, often mark but in one go, especially in card equipment.
You must go to the icon “General Setup of the system”, “Operation of the system” and form the option “rank to eliminate duplicates of marks”. The S-value is given in minutes.