Secondary Products [Product Index (Software)]. [Hardware]



1. XWinsct. Reference of the Primary Product. Here


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2. AHSB: Administration and Handling of Sport Banks.

Application for the handling of purchases and sales of tickets for bets. Safety Control for data of banks.
Control of payments. Summary of sales.
Connections via radio and antennas. System for multiple branches.
I Develop for movable devices and technologies of GPS and GSM regarding banks.
Reports of state in multiple formats.



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3. SAS: Management System for stores.

Application for the handling of stores and sales to end-users.
Products with code of bars. Applications for supermarkets, pharmacies ect
Control of daily sales. Summary of sales, collection by credit card and much more. *


Visitor's Control

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4. BCV. Biometric Control for Visitors.
Biometric Application for control of visitors

It Receives a visit, it takes his digital track, if it also wishes discreetly his photo by USB camera and gives a card optionally to him. The person moves to an access door and by means of the program (Based on PC) or a reading unit “stand alone” (independent) controls to that places the person can happen without the risk that only represents to use cards, which can be robbed or be lent giving nonauthorized access to personnel.

The completely multiuser program. You can have several receptionists receiving different visitors and authorizing the access. “Visitors control” keeps information from photography, date of access, department that it is visited, person to whom visit themselves, direction, telephones of contact, E-mail and many other data more. If the person is appellant in her visit, the data that do not need to be altered will remain in a data base for new visit. Reports on personnel and departments of visits, statistics, graphs and other data can be obtained from this application. The access of the visitor will be restricted when its allowed period expires


Magic Utility

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5. MGU. Utilitarian for Administration and handling of fingerprints.

This it is an extremely useful utilitarian program to automate processes of the fingerprints. It Sends, flock, it changes to etc. fingerprints of the units. Automatically you can deactivate a fingerprint if the employee resigns or he cancels himself. Taking backups of the tracks and monitors the accesses. The program receives commandos of its application of RH by means of simple archives allowing total automatism of processes.

Its application only must indicate where the person must mark or if she is active or no. Soon the monitor is in charge of the others making processes of transferences and discharges.





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6. BIOM. Manager of transactions. Stand alone version.

“Nobody has never had as much automatization as Biom Driver.”

This program calls to a biometric unit communications net via (RS-232, RS-485 and TCP/IP), unloads the data, updates the hours, transfers via FTP or Data Base, handles equivalences, sends schemes of timbres (for equipment that supports it) and everything in format and forms required by the client. If a reading unit loses communication, an e-mail is sent to notify on the fact. BIOM is the excellence of the automatism of process of discharge of data of clocks for a control application of attendance. (It Applies for Biometric clocks of the series of HIT SONG, Unitech (barcote), Control Modulates (Cards), Cipherlab (Cards), Intermec (Cards), Sentry and more).

Note: Due to the accelerated advance of the technology, all the clocks of a series could not apply. It Consults on his model.




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7. Card384. Proximity card Manager. Control Program.

Proxy Automates access by means of card384 manager. This application allows to handle cards of proximity for units of series 384. It Sends, it erases, it publishes, and it directly handles equivalent codes from the application. Also “Antipass” allows (If it does not enter, does not leave) having two equivalent units.

Card 384 is ideal to be placed in systems of barriers for passages of vehicles, access doors etc. with a low budget when not having to use a complex application of security. Also it allows that if an employee cancels itself or resigns, the card is deactivated in the reading unit. It Transfers card access from a unit to another one receiving text commandos of an application of human resources that already owns the client. It Applies for equipment that combines card and biometry.





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8. GYM01. Manager of access.

If you have a reading unit and wishes to control the access based on the status of a person (having an application of collections or another class), this is the solution.

GYM01 allows of automatic form that if for example a person is not with her payment will not be able to happen through a designated access door.

GYM01 is not the application that determines the status of the assigned person. This application receives the order and it executes it. For example if you do not pay in the gymnasium (or club), you do not enter the same. The client must have his application of collections and she says to him to GYM01 by means of simple system of commandos that lets pass to certain person during thirty days or the established period. Once overcome the period, if the client does not renew, GYM01 suspends the access to him.

He Is functional for any application that has the client where it can send the code of the person and date until which it can accede. This program operates in modality monitor (Service). It Is very useful because if does not have the same, it must operate an interactive process from some operator (who is manual) and if the person is not pending of it can forget to allow or to restrict the access to the suitable people. Because GYM01 is automatic, the process is left its position.




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9. AUTOBIO. Biometric Access.

This is an application based on PC.

It Places his finger in a sensor and the computer will send an order of opening of a form door directa.AUTOBIO uses a sensor that is applicable to the Biometric desktop driver. (BDD advanced more) It Is an application talking that indicates to the person “Welcome to him, can pass”, “denied Access”, “expired Access etc.). Its more common use is for pasímetros in agreement with space available so that a computer interacts with visitors.

It Uses originating commandos of interphase to be interpreted of an application of the client to allow the access. Autobio is an extended system more than GYM01 because this last one is a passive system on watch in background whereas first (Autobio) it handles data base, photographies etc.



Task Manager

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10. Task Manager. Processor of Tasks.

This program makes the equivalent to the administrator of tasks of Windows; But it does not require to depend on which a key or user expires. He Is useful to send one or more processes to hours previously defined such as: to unload clocks, to remove backup from the biometric tracks, etc. with multiple schemes to form itself.




Industrial Cafeteria

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11. RDC. Handling of Industrial Cafeteria.

This application allows to emit a ticket for breakfast, lunch, has dinner etc. to dispatch foods to the employees of a company. The capture method can be biometric (using the Monitor Driver), bar code or proximity (with the Proxkey driver).

It Has independent modality (where the employee goes to a computer, puts his fingerprint and it emits a ticket) or attended modality to him (where the employee chooses what wishes to consume and a dispatcher invoices it).

Later this information is applied to a already existing system of lists to be deduced to the employee. It Handles subsidies, special cases of visitors, prices etc. Using a terminal in the network obtain files of consumption by person, department and types of employees for accounting of expenses and other elements.




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12. KeyProx. Software for control of proximity device.

If you have an application that needs to read cards of proximity in a PC or the biometric sensor with cards, this is the solution. Keyprox Integra a device of reading of format proximity wiegand 26 bit standard, that soon is turned by a special hardware into a binary signal of serial characteristic and our driver sends it direct to the zone of keyboard where the application that it requires the client can use the data. The driver allows to return the code equivalent to the defined card so that by means of an integrated system of equivalences the application does not have to be modified. The set includes all the necessary hardware for the objective.

The person presents her card in the reader and receives the information via keyboard for her application.




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13. BDD. Control for biometric device.

This novel application allows that you place a sensor of digital track to any already existing application without needing modifying it. The driver allows to handle the fingerprints of a person allowing to erase, to publish, to print them, etc. as well as Integra a system of photographies. The application puts in way driver that allows when a usuary one presents its digital track to send an assigned number of the employee (its code), certificate or any numerical or alphanumeric chain who were registered for this person via zone of keyboard.

The sensor is connected via an USB port and the driver is in charge to make the search in a data base defined of the same to send the information via normal keyboard

You can apply it to systems of cafeteria, inventory, office of merchandise, verification for payments and infinity of applications where you require that the computer safely introduces a code pertaining to a verified person but replacing it by the fingerprint.




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14. CopyRDR. Transporter of fingerprints

CopyRDR allows to make transferences of fingerprints of automatic form by means of processes Batch for units of the M4500 series. He Is faster and simple than the programs that come with the manufacturer; therefore its use is very accepted.

This program is partly equivalent to the MGU monitor (but simpler) where interphase commandos can be received to erase and to transfer tracks of clocks but for the M4500 series. and in “Batch it only cases out” mode. This to be united to the application of the client